Friday, May 06, 2005

election fever

Hey folks!

I hope you all exercised your democratic right to vote yesterday.
I must say I was slightly disappointed that the party I voted for didn't win, but such is life!

As I write, news has just broken that David Trimble, leader of the UUP and former first minister in Northern Ireland has lost his seat to Rev. Ian Paisley's DUP. Can we now expect an extra loud version of "Praise God from whom all blessings flow"?

What also concerned me was how much of the BBC election map is not red, considering the result.



Anonymous said...

but the red areas are the areas with all the people!

Timmy Magic said...

Only to some extent!
London and Manchester are red, but Liverpool, Newcastle, Glasgow and Edinburgh are all predominantly blue!

An I wasn't being cynical(!) I was just stating that more of the map seemed not red than red! Of course I trust those counting the votes!

Anonymous said...

I think you might want to check your map again and find out where Glasgow, Edinburgh, Liverpool and Newcastle actually are!!
Each of those four cities is predominantly red on the map! Scotland has only one blue area!
But i win... ;) (and Cardiff is red too! Apart from a little bit of yellow...)

Anonymous said...

Plus Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham... ;)

Timmy Magic said...

Whoever is commenting is an argumentative thing arent they? :-p

I concede that my geography may be a little off, but still stand by the fact that more of the map is not red than is.

Also worth noting is the lack of Labour presence in the (former) industrial regions, such as the North East and Yorkshire, the oil/coal/stell industries, as well as the Midlands.