Friday, July 28, 2006

the emerald isle

As I write this post, I can see Stormont Castle, home of the Northern Irish Parliament, government to the home of Matt, Simon, Tim, Natalie, Heather et al. I am sitting at my parent's computer in their new house in Belfast. I am also doing something I never thought I would do again - I am using dial-up internet!

So what's new? I am still a bit tired after the long day at Wembley for commissioning, though it was a nice day. Sunday was a regular Army day, apart from the fact it was George Sharman's dedication and Simon and Beth were there. Also I was the colour sergeant (flag man) for the dedication. Be warned that wearing contact lenses and a hot day don't go well together as the sweat gets in your eyes and makes them hurt.

Monday was the British International Motor Show which was not as good as I had hoped, as there were a great many manufacturers who were not there. Having said this, I fell deeper in love with the Honda Jazz. All I need to do now is learn how to drive!

Tuesday was a fun filled day as I flew to the Emerald Isle to catch up with my parents. I flew in a bit late but had a really quick through the airports at both ends which was nice. I have seen a bit of the culture so far (Samson and Goliath, the Harland and Wolff cranes) and had an Ulster fry, possibly the most fatty thing I have ever had. From what I could gather, it was invented by someone who had a mix of ingredients left in the fridge and decided to fry them up and call it a traditional meal!

Tomorrow we are off to Dublin, so I will fill you in on that later on!

So for now, beir bua agus beannacht!

Timmy "Top o' the morning" Magic

Saturday, July 22, 2006

commissioning day

I write this from my room at the William Booth College in Denmark Hill, which I moved into last Tuesday. I was woken about 45 mins ago by the strains of the 1st year band, in full uniform, playing "Sing Hosanna!" which wouldn't be my chosen method of waking up, but allegedly it is a tradition!

I have finally got moved in and my parentos are off to sunny Ireland today, and I will join them later in the week.

I have internet access back so my blog fans can rest assured I am back in action!

Timmy "Can see the lift from Poirot" Magic

Friday, July 07, 2006

jumping on the lifehacker band wagon

Sadly I have to jump on a band wagon! The Lifehacker website has been mentioned on a few blogs I read so I thought I would share the wealth.

CNet says "Often tech-related, Lifehacker is full of tips to make life easier--from building your own solar-powered generator to quitting a nail-biting habit"

Gadgetopia says "Computers make us more productive. Yeah, right. Lifehacker recommends the downloads, web sites and shortcuts that actually save time. Don’t live to geek, geek to live!"

So it has general tips for life, intermingled with techie tips!

Particularly of note was the best Windows tip - "Buy a Mac! Or install Linux!"

Timmy "Hasn't bought a Mac, has installed Linux" Magic

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

stupid? for sure! but he would do it again!

In a previous post of mine, I paid homage to Mr Glyn Goodfella Harries who had stuck twelve (12) bulldog clips to his face. Detailed on his blog is the photographic evidence of this feat! Well done Mr Glyn!

Timmy "No pegs" Magic

Saturday, July 01, 2006

bobby magic

Originally uploaded by tim luke jones.
A picture of me in a beat helmet, stolen from my sregeant at a garden party this evening. As an aside, standard police equipment is very good for keeping kids entertained...

Timmy "rozzer" Magic


Originally uploaded by tim luke jones.
Here is a picture of me I took while wearing my new cycling glasses. They go really well with my contact lenses and my work uniform and according to some people make me look like Robocop

Timmy "Very Specs-y" Magic