Saturday, January 12, 2008

new things

So, a new year normally means change. We all know change happens. It happened to such an extent that it led Robert C Gallagher to say:

"Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine"

I digress. New Year means new things.

1) Tim's new laptop

I have a new laptop and I am blogging from it now. It's very nice and I like it lots.

2) Tim's new camera

I have purchased a new digital camera as my last one died the other day. It does all kinds of wonderful things like take photos (obviously) and create YouTube videos.

3) Tim's new YouTube account

New camera. Does YouTube videos. Fill in the blanks.

4) Tim's new found love of podcasts

I have had an iPod for a few years now and listened to podcasts before, but as it was early in the life of the technology, they weren't great. Now I have a nice video iPod and a lovely speedy broadband connection and a cool new laptop, I can watch video podcasts (or vodcasts). I am now fully up to date with the news in Germany, France Sweden and Norway as well as here at home. If anyone can recommened any other good videos, feel free to let me know.

Timmy "Same Old Magic" Magic

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