Thursday, October 25, 2007

reasons i love my job part 2

As an addendum to my post the other day, I have 2 more reasons that I love my job!

This conversation occurred yesterday in my office at about 5.50pm, 40 minutes before home time

Inspector: "Everybody, go home, b***er off, get out of my office"
Everybody: "OK - bye Guv!"

This conversation occurred today around Marble Arch

Pink Umbrella Lady: "Ooh it's so nice to see policemen on bikes instead of those awful community support people"
Tim: "Thanks"
Pink Umbrella Lady: "Are you a policeman?"
Tim: "No, I am an awful community support officer"
Pink Umbrella Lady: "Oh! Why can't you do anything but write on bits of paper?"
Tim: "I do have powers, they are just not as extensive as a police officer's"
Pink Umbrella Lady: "But why don't you stop the robbers and muggings?"
Tim: "We provide a visible police presence and as such, are a deterrent"
Pink Umbrella Lady: "But that's not very good - I never see policemen on the streets"
Tim: "So apart from community support people, you never see police officers? Surely that's a visible presence so it works?"

Pink Umbrella Lady walks away

Tim: "Thanks madam - have a nice day!"

Timmy "Home Early But Feeling Worthless" Magic

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