Monday, June 05, 2006

mike mccredie's stag

On Saturday morning, at the filthy hour of 8am I set off on my way to Mike's stag party at Mayhem Paintball in rural Essex. There were 11 of us there and we were teamed up against another stag party to compete throughout the day. Most people escaped relatively bruise free, apart from Mike O who took a decent shot to the chest, Dan who was hit on the adam's apple and the stag who by definition had to take a few shots. Also hit was the man who came towards me not caryying the flag. As a result of him not carrying a flag, I assumed he was the enemy and fired 4 or so shots into his chest. He was mildly unimpressed!

After the jolly time of paintballing, we went to Writtle for a curry (my second in 2 days.) The banter was good, though disappointingly Mike managed to escape any pranks as well as going back to AJ's to stay the night. He claimed that he didn't want to be late for the meeting. We did, however, suggest that if he were handcufffed to the Army and Navy roundabout he wouldn't be late, just cold and ashamed.

Timmy "No it's not ringworm, it's a paintball bruise" Magic

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