At work today, I had a couple of quick errands to run around Westminster so I hopped onto my policeman bike and headed down towards Hyde Park from Paddington.

I went down to see the Queen at Buckingham Palace, via Buckingham Palace Road where Belgravia police station is. From there I went to Scotland Yard and
City Hall.
When I was at City Hall, I parked up my bike and went in. As soon as I had walked through the door, the lights went off, the computers stopped working and the lifts stopped. The council went into meltdown.
People tried to push the revolving doors round so I used the disabled doors, which stayed open when pushed.
People complained that they couldn't get to their offices on the 4th floor. I suggested they use the stairs.
The receptionist couldn't print my visitors pass so I suggested that people may notice that I am an authorized visitor by the cycle helmet with "police" on it, the hi-viz jacket with "police" on it, the epaulets with "police" on and the bulletproof jacket!
I then went to Westminster Abbey and up Whitehall towards Charing Cross police station. (Spotted the theme yet?)
From there I went through Leicester Square and Piccadilly to West End Central and up towards the Rink for tea and biscuits.

Next on the list was Seymour St, where Marylebone police station is.
To finish the morning's journey I went into Hyde Park to the Royal Parks police station.
So with the exception of Harrow Road (part of Paddington) and St John's Wood (part of Marylebone) I visited every nick in Westminster!
Not bad for a day's work even if I say so myself!
Timmy "Cyclo-cop" Magic