Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Chris Tarrant Philosophy

Those of you who have seen this site in the past few weeks will notice that one of the longer, and in my opinion better, posts has disappeared.

This post was said to be causing offence to people, and I received a few angrily worded emails about it.
As a result of a request from several people, I have taken the post down, though I may repost it later after some editing.

This brings me to the point of Chris Tarrant Philosophy.

When Tarrant presents 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' he often says to contestants who have just got a question wrong that the question is only easy if you know the answer. This ties in roughly with the goings on of the past few weeks. My Reading Festival was only really funny to those who know me, my background, surroundings, sense of humour etc.

For a start, I knew full well that 'Shinfield Rd' is not called 'Shenfield Rd'. However when we pulled into the road, Lou said "Ooh! Shenfield Rd" before we corrected her. This of course is not funny, unless you know that the next decent sized town from Chelmsford is Shenfield.
Secondly, do people really think that my friends are so insecure that they would be "nearly suicidal" (as Lou was said to be) over a guy she had been texting for a few weeks? In actual fact she had made a special effort to go to Reading to see Jonny, and was a bit upset on the way home. She was not too upset to drive, and never intended to drive home. Lou drove there, Jo drove back, that was always the plan. I just played on that for the sake of humour.

So in conclusion, the post was only really funny if you knew what was going on. Sorry to anyone who was offended by the post, and I hope you can appreciate this apology.

I was a little troubled to receive two strongly worded, and in places, offensive emails, but I forgive you in Christian love.

The festival itself, which only got a 3 or 4 line write up was amazing. The band played an amazing rendition of 'Glorifico Aeternum' and to put together such a big festival with such a small group. Yes, I was touched, and it was a great spiritual evening. Unfortunately the write up got lost in the banter of the day.

So, a clean start, and I will be back later with my Hamburg write up, and maybe a bit on the Songster's trip to Bognor!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where have you been?

We all thought you'd got the hump and emigrated.