Tuesday, March 18, 2008

the saga of the blood stained carpet

There was high drama with the House 1 Hotties this morning, but as I was home alone, it is down to me to report it to you!

I was awoken from my slumber by my parents who had been visiting me for the evening before returning to the Emerald Isle. Once they were safely off to the airport, I hopped back onto the sofa and went back to sleep. My alarm clock went off about 90 minutes later and I was still in a slumbery mood, so I snoozed it a few times while I had 30 minutes more kip.

When I finally decided to be awake and get off the sofa I looked at my phone and discovered that someone had commented on a Facebook photo of me. I grabbed my laptop, loaded up the offending picture and smiled gently to myself at the goatee I once sported. It was at this point the high drama began. The alarm on my phone, now at the end of its snooze stage vibrated on my knee and fell to the floor. Too tired to reach and get it, I kicked it towards me to facilitate easy reaching of it. As well as finding the phone, I found a tiny bit of plastic or glass which looked somewhat sharp.

Being ever safety conscious, I decided to move the bit of detritus before somebody injured themselves on it. Wandering up to the kitchen bin and placing the bit in it was uneventful, though when I turned round the situation was different. Every metre or so, coinciding with where my right foot had been, was a small patch of red, sticky liquid. I was too late. Somebody had already injured themselves. Me!

I balanced myself precariously on he side of the bath, and, doing my best not to dampen my PJs, washed and plastered the offending area.

So If you come to my house before I move out and wonder what the bloodstains are, there's the explanation.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!

Timmy "Great Bleeding Foot Saga Survivor" Magic

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.