Wednesday, February 16, 2005

stockholming it up

Yo folks!

I am in Stockholm with Richard at the moment, and will blog much of the banter upon my return.

To keep you hooked, here is a picture of a Swedish flag

Swedish Flag


Wednesday, February 02, 2005

stupid london part 2

The other day I was partaking in one of my favourite lunchtime pastimes, going for a Subway sandwich.

As is customary, I ordered an Italian BMT with marinara sauce and warmed up nicely so the cheese melts.

Despite the fact that I asked the Indian woman, the Chinese woman and the Russian woman to warm it up, it didn't happen. To further my anguish I asked for 2 Sub Club stamps, which the Russian proceeded to give me. On two seperate cards. Thus making the object of getting the stamps pointless (when you get enough stamps, you get a free sandwich).
In order to express my displeasure, I took the largest cup I could find, filled it up and drank the contents several times. Then I filled it up and threw it away!

That'll teach them!

(I also completed a customer comment card, rather than just spiting them!)
