Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The Playlist Game

Some of you may have heard of this, but I recently discovered the wonder and mystery of "The Playlist Game".

The rules are simple. Load up your music player, hit random, and then list the first lines of the first 10 songs played.

Then all you have to do is guess what songs are what, and who sang them.


1. "I will follow him"
2. "Two jumps in a week, I bet you think that's pretty clever don't you, boy?"
3. "When I'm tired, and nothing's going right for me"
4. "See reflections on the water"
5. "Sunny day, sweeping the clouds away"
6. "Pie Jesu, pie Jesu"
7. "Oh no! Gone and put my foot in it again"
8. "Someday, when I'm awfully low"
9. "I knew a man, Bojangles and he'll dance for you"
10. "Hail holy queen enthroned above"

Some are super easy, and some are really not!
Leave your answers in the comments

Have fun!


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