Sunday, July 10, 2005

i left my hat in san francisco!

Yo! If you have noticed the lack of activity on los blog on the past couple of weeks, I have a good reason. I have been in, among other places, San Francisco.

On Tuesday 28th, I flew with my parents to San Francisco for a few days work and a few more days holiday. Mum and Dad received an invitation from a fellow ICO colleague of Mum's, now DC in the Golden State division, to go and do the Divisional Family Camp.

After the 10 hour flight, we arrived to beautiful sunshine and a short drive to the house we would be staying at. After a quick rest, we met up with some of the other officers in the division and had a nice Italian meal.

Wednesday was our first proper day in SF and we took a quick tour of the city, seeing Fisherman's Wharf, Lombard St ("the crookedest street in the city"), Ghiradelli Square (home of a fab ice cream and chocolate shop) and various other landmarks. We did go for a quick walk on the Golden Gate Bridge, but it was so foggy that we couldn't see it. We continued not to see it throughout our stay and are thus convinced that it doesn't actually exist.

Thursday was the day that we set off to Camp Redwood Glen to prepare for the weekend. We stayed at the DC's other house, which is assigned specifically as the DC's. It was on this Thursday that I encountered two firsts. It was the first time I had ever eaten Mexican food. Mexican is nice, and I thoroughly recommend it. It was also the first time I had ever seen a black widow spider. In case you weren't sure, the black widow is one of the most venomous spiders in America, and although not enough venom is injected to kill a grown human, it will certainly hospitalize you for a few days.

I will hopefully return on Tuesday to recount the rest of the week's tales.


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