Saturday, December 04, 2004

uniformed pom!

In my past few blogs, I have been raving about the wonders of modern technology.
An important part of my, and of most of the nation's, daily baggage is my mobile phone. As well as being a telecommunications device, mine happens to be equipped with a camera!

This camera has seen some interesting sights in recent days. The photos of my bruised thumb and the offending (or is that offensive?) Toblerone came from my camera phone, as did these:-

Uniform and Pom

Brian in a Tunic

This from a man who wore an Army t-shirt and shorts on my first Sunday at the Rink!

Those crazy Australians!

Tim Mag


Anonymous said...

Tim, Tim, Tim

Poms are English people.

Timmy Magic said...

Yeah I know!
But Pom (as in Brian Pomering) is Australian...
It is strangely ironic how he is an Aussie, but named like and Englishman